Once you register on our platform you will be contacted within 24 hours by one of our opportunity providers/experience managers to help you better assess your skills and goals for the experience. Together we will determine the right employer for your skillset and expectations. After the initial meeting, we will set up the interview with the company of your choice, help you prepare to land your dream position and introduce you to the Silicon Journey community.
After you’ve had your interview and the employer has accepted your application, it is now time to make the travel arrangements, starting with finding you a sponsor for the Visa application and ending up with your embassy visit. During this chapter, we will have our second meeting to establish our way of working together.
You will become approved as a participant for our project once you complete your Visa process and sign the contract with the host entity. During this stage, we will assist you with flight and accommodation recommendations as well as getting in touch with the Romanian start up community in San Francisco.
Once you register on our platform you will be contacted within 24 hours by one of our opportunity providers/experience managers to help you better assess your skills and goals for the experience. Together we will determine the right employer for your skillset and expectations. After the initial meeting, we will set up the interview with the company of your choice, help you prepare to land your dream position and introduce you to the Silicon Journey community.
During your entire stay in the United States, we will schedule regular status check-ins with you in addition to your employer, to maximize the value of this internship for your future career plans. In San Francisco you will also benefit from regular meetups with top Romanian IT professionals, weekly workshops and our associates will even help you plan your travel and weekend activities. If you decide to apply to a second job we can help you get in touch with your VISA sponsor.
Once your internship experience is over, we will follow up with your employer about your final assessment and we will help you book your trip back home. Congratulations! Now that you have become a Silicon Journey alumnus/a, we will help you get a headstart in your job search, by introducing you to our top IT partners in Romania.